Wednesday, May 2, 2012

9 Things a Leader Must Do

In this post, I'll be discussing the book 9 Things a Leader Must Do by Dr. Henry Cloud. I picked this book up in the Phoenix airport whilst waiting for my flight back home to Jackson. What appealed to me about the book was that it was short, and that John C. Maxwell, a leader in the leadership field (imagine that) wrote a forward for the book. Anything written by John C. Maxwell is worth reading and I highly recommend his works. But I digress. The nine things we must do as leaders are listed below. In future blogs, I shall share some personal insight as to how I have used or neglected to use the nine principles.

The nine things you must do as a leader include:

  1. Finding and pursuing your dreams and passions wholeheartedly
  2. Get rid of any and all negative thoughts, people, or activities that take up space in your life
  3. Make decisions today to ensure a better future tomorrow
  4. Ask yourself "What can I do to make this/any situation better"
  5. Take baby steps/set smaller goals in order to reach your larger goals and dreams
  6. Be able to "hate" the right things in a healthy manner
  7. Give to others more than you expect to receive
  8. Truly love yourself and stop trying to appear like someone you are not
  9. Be able to make decisions without being afraid of others opinions/reactions.

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